Interested in accelerating your career in digital?
Join the Xansium Academy.

The Xansium Academy has been set up to provide a vocational route into digital transformation within the public sector. We are recruiting young talent at school leaver age and above with a keen interest incomputing and technology to join a customised training programme that will see them ‘hire ready’ on completion of the 12-month course.
The Academy is focused on working with each of the trainees to offer a structured learning to support their aspirations and future digital career goals. The content of the programme is a blend of soft skills, Salesforce Custom Trailheads leading to certification at Admin, Developer level or both, mentoring across digital project roles, hands-on experience of real-life digital solutions and exposure to agile working in a public sector environment.
All trainees will have passed a rigorous selection process to identify their skills, ambitions, motivations, and capabilities to follow an intensive remote study and work timetable. They will be security cleared, provided with Cyber Essentials compliant technology and assigned a buddy to support them through the programme.
After building all the necassary skills through Academy training, projects and practical learning, you will work as a Xansium consultant, working on exciting projects with our clients – crafting real life solutions for real problems and introducing fresh ways of thinking in the digital transformation space.